Frequently Asked Questions

Questions related to registration and purchase of subscriptions

1Where is the shopping guide?
The purchase process is presented in the next question. You can also see more details by clicking here.
2What steps do I have to go through to buy?
You must first register on the site. You will then be taken to the dashboard. Register your land details in the "Land Registration" section, and then in the "Services" section, you can select the package you want. After this step, in order to authenticate the rules, it is necessary to verify your identity by one of the listed methods. After authentication, you can enter the shopping cart and pay your invoice . Payment is made through "Zarrinpal" portal for Boom negaran hooshmande omid. Please refer to the "Shopping Training" clip for more information.
3To use the "Satplat" service, how many months before planting should I register to buy the package?
Due to the fact that the satellite takes pictures of your plants, the images after the germination of your product will be useful for your use, so it is recommended that you do this after germination.
4How valid is "Satplat"?
In order to trust businesses in cyberspace, the symbol of electronic trust is given to businesses by the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade, and these businesses operate under the supervision of this institution. "Satplat" has a valid image that is listed at the bottom of the pages of this site. You can also report your complaints to businesses through this symbol and this symbol will follow them. To ensure the authenticity of this symbol, clicking on it will take you to the site of this symbol, and you can also view the operational records of this business. The company is also on the space agency's website Shown among the space companies at the link
5When is it necessary to register in "Satplat"?
You do not need to register to view the content and get acquainted with the website services; However, in order to use the service packages, it is necessary to register and go through the verification process until the end, and then buy the desired package for your farm.
6Can I buy service packages at all hours of the day and night?
For web services, you can buy our service packages 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and for custom services, after registering the order and reviewing the experts of this collection, the required time will be notified to you through the information system. (Only during the update for a few hours you may lose access to the services of this site).
7Does the content and service packages of your site include copyright?
All content and service packages produced by this company are subject to copyright. In case of republishing, it is necessary to mention the name of this company as a manufacturer. Republishing other people's land information without their written permission is also prohibited.
8Can I buy a package for someone else?
If the landlord has entrusted you with this responsibility, this work is allowed, otherwise, strictly avoid registering other land.
9Is it possible to cancel the service after purchasing it?
No. It is not possible to cancel after the purchase process is completed.
10Can I cancel or change my order
In the purchase process, you can cancel or change the order, but after completing the purchase and deposit process, you can not cancel or change the order.
11If you are not able to use your services after the virtual training, do you have In person training to fix the problems?
Is "Satplat" service capable of development based on customer demands?
12Is "Satplat" service capable of development based on customer demands?
: "Satplat" services are provided in defined packages. If your need is specific, you can enter its specifications in the project service package, and after reviewing by our experts, you will be informed of the possible result.
13Is it possible to use the services by several people simultaneously with one user account?
Yes, it is possible.
14How to make sure our order is registered?
By receiving the purchase invoice, you can be sure of registering it.
15Do I need to call "Satplat" after ordering
No, after the purchase, after a maximum of fifteen minutes, your access to the purchased services will be opened, in case of any problems, please contact support.
16Can I use "Satplat" advice to select and buy the package?
Yes, you can click on the description option on the package head to read how to purchase and select the package on the "Services" page and read the related information. Also in the clip "Buy services" and "Clip how to buy" explanations are given in this regard. If you have any ambiguities, please contact the experts of "Satplat" through the mentioned telephone numbers.
17Is it possible to join and enter personal information forever?
After registration, your information is stored by "Satplat" and there is no need to re-register. If you forget your password, you can use the password recovery option.
18Can I access information on my previous purchases?
Yes, it can be seen in the "Services list" section.
19Do you issue official invoices for legal entities?
It is possible at the official request of the company. The invoice request letter must be sent to on the letterhead of the company stamped and signed by the CEO along with other registration information of the company including the latest official newspaper, VAT registration certificate.

How to pay

1How do I pay for the services?
All payments are made through the "Zarrin Pal" portal of this company. You can pay for your orders online by using the bank cards of Shetab network members and having the second password.
2Which bank card can I use to pay for my online order?
You can do this from all bank cards that are members of the Shetab network.
3If the transaction fails, will the amount be returned to the depositor's account?
The transaction may fail due to a disruption in the banking network, but in this case, the bank will return the amount to the main account within 72 hours. If this does not happen, you need to contact the payment agent bank to resolve the discrepancy.
4Can I pay for my order in installments?
No, such a possibility is not considered at the moment.
5Is there any other method of payment besides internet payment?
No, such a possibility is not considered at the moment.
6Is online payment on Satplat site safe?
If you follow the safety tips, you can have a secure payment via the Internet. Note that you must be connected to the secure https connection protocol when transferring to the payment gateway. To enter information, be sure to use the virtual keyboard and use the second password for online payments.
7How long after paying the purchase fee, can I use the services of "Satplat" site?
When ordering internet packages, the service package will be available to you after a maximum of fifteen minutes after the payment process is completed; However, after selecting the display of packages, after clicking on satellite images for the first time, it may take About custom services After reviewing the experts, you will be notifieda few minutes to upload the images to your account.
8If you introduce a new customer to the company, do you give a discount to the person introducing you?
9Can I pay by check for my order?
No, such a possibility is not considered at the moment.
10Is it possible to print receipts after payment?
11Is the price of service packages fixed on the Satplat site?
No. Although the package sold will not include additional costs, pricing may change throughout the year.
12Can I buy with someone else's bank card?
Yes, you can pay with any Shetab member card that has a second password.

How to use the services

1Do you need special tools to use "Satplat" services?
Having a personal computer with the ability to connect to the Internet with Windows 7 and above or a smartphone connected to the Android Internet version 7 and above, is a necessary condition to use these services.
2Do you need special hardware to use "Satplat"?
3Do you need special education to use this method?
The use of these maps requires complete familiarity with the use of the Internet and the use of applications. Familiarity with the principles of agriculture, map reading and complete mastery of arable land is also monitored.
4In case of misinterpretation of the images and damage to the ground, does "Satplat" accept the responsibility to eliminate it?
Considering that "Satplat" is your assistant and no one is more aware of your farm than you, so the recommendations are just warnings that are necessary considering the other facts on the ground and after your careful consideration to make a decision. And take action to implement it, so "Satplat" does not accept responsibility in this regard.
5Can wider services such as road to farm monitoring and rainfall forecasting and the like be added to these services?
"Satplat" is trying to develop its services to cover the consulting needs of farmers and "Satplat" services will be expanded over time. Please share your opinions with us via
6If the land is short of water resources, is it possible to introduce and sell water through "Satplat" customers?
We have not developed such a platform right now.
7Can you estimate my product before harvest (from one week to several months earlier)?
No, it is being developed
8Is it possible to predict the weather and how much does it cost?
No, it is being developed
9Are the recommendations of international organizations to improve and prevent damage to the landowner?
No, it is in development
10If I do not have internet access, how can I use your services?
Because the platform of these services is on the Internet, access to the Internet is a necessary condition for using our services.
11If we provide past land information, would you recommend cultivation?
No, it is in development
12Do you offer special trainings to users as a group?
We suggest the produced clips for better familiarity and use of the system. You can also use the content produced in our blog.

Strategy and security

1Is it possible to see other people's lands in the "Satplat" system?
Although this can be done, but the users are not allowed to view and register the land that they do not own or do not have the official permission of the land owner to view it, if this issue is detected and confirmed by "Satplat" user account You will be blocked.
2What should be done if the image quality is low for use?
Before buying, you can register a land for free. In that picture, the maps produced for the previous year are presented. You can see the quality and accuracy of the images this way. In any case, the accuracy of each pixel of the image is equal to about a square to the sides of ten meters by ten meters, which can be useful for agricultural applications, especially in large lands. It is assumed that the customer is aware of the quality and accuracy of the images at the time of purchase, and the images are presented for display as they are, and it is not possible to improve the accuracy.
3What should be done if the information is not updated for more than 6 days?
Failure to load the image in the client dashboard can be due to one of the following reasons: 1- Cloudy earth: Satellite will not be able to image the earth, so the image will not be loaded in the client dashboard 2- Lack of satellite imagery, which rarely occurs And can be, for example, due to the orbital transmission of the satellite to prevent meteor strikes3- Disruption in the "Satplat" system, which in case of the third case, customer subscription will be extended by the same amount.
4What is the amount of information received from the farmer by "Satplat" and what is the amount of intrusion into the farmer's privacy?
The information that "Satplat" receives from users, in order to authenticate him, is in accordance with legal rules and criteria, and on the other hand, information is obtained from the cultivated product and the farm to provide specialized services. In any case, "Satplat" is committed to protecting the privacy of its users, which you can read in the "Privacy Statement".
5What percentage of the estimates made by the company can differ from the facts?
The maps provided are based on global experiences in other countries and are available to users. These maps are mostly descriptive and should be interpreted and checked by the user for their compliance with terrestrial realities.
6How often is it necessary to change the password?
Regarding the password, it is recommended that you change it continuously - once every three months - and that the password is a combination of numbers, letters and symbols.

How to communicate with "Satplat"

1Can I use Satplat advice to select and buy the package?
Yes, in the service section, explanations are given about the packages, but in any case, our experts are eager to answer you from Saturday to Wednesday from 8 to 16.
2How to communicate with you?
You can contact us through the numbers listed at the bottom of the page and email, and you can also follow our latest news and events through our social networks. Instagram: Telegram: Linkedin: Twitter: Aparat:


What method do you use to monitor the fields?

The remote sensing method that has been used for agriculture in most countries and with the help of satellite images
And analytical algorithms that run on images can make it easier to monitor farms.

What fields is the use of satellite services for?

This agricultural service can be used for all farms that grow crops, and it is not applicable only if the planting of the farm is mixed and mixed.

Can you provide the pictures of the fields from the past years?

Yes, satellite images of London have been available since 1975, and there are extensive collections of satellite imagery covering the area.

Certainly! You can share your feedback, criticisms, and suggestions with us through the contact methods available on the “Contact Us” page. Additionally, if you haven’t found a satisfactory answer to your questions, you can reach out to us via this page to get the answers you are looking for. We are here to assist you!